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Global Bachelor's Degree in International Relations Madrid

Connect with the international professional world. Experts in world knowledge from an international, political, economic and legal perspective.

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-50% ¡Descuento en reserva de plaza hasta el 31 de enero!

Global Degree in International Relations

The Degree in International Relations is a programme that aims to prepare professionals in diplomacy, geopolitics and international conflict resolution, capable of working in large organisations and institutions around the world. The four-year degree in international relations is composed of 240 ECTS credits. Students will develop skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership, all through an academic model based on experiential learning.

As an expert in International Relations you will be able to explain the complexity of global politics and interests. You will provide ways and tools for conflict resolution through diplomacy, cooperation, communication and political and legal advocacy. At the Universidad Europea we are pioneers in the teaching of the Bachelor's Degree in International Relations.

You can study this degree in bilingual mode.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 years, 240 ECTS
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Faculty of Legal Sciences, Education and Humanities

Why study International Relations at Universidad Europea?

Moot court

In the context of legal arbitration, lots of academic initiatives are carried out for fostering practical use of the students’ theoretical knowledge in simulation environments. Apart from the students of the Degree in Law, the activities of Moot Court involve pupils from other degrees where legal concepts are relevant.

As Moot encourages experiential learning through interaction with environments similar to professional realities, it reflects the philosophy of Challenge-Based Learning (CBL).

International Relations Observatory

Also following the philosophy of Challenge-Based Learning, professors in the BSC Degree in International Relations will play the role of political analysts thanks to the International Relations Observatory, focusing on international politics. Conceived as a meeting space for professors and students, it is a digital agency whose members describe the main conflicts and geopolitical challenges in present-day society.

The main tools for studying the current geopolitical scenario are analytical articles, in which students and professors contrast information from different sources to write a trustworthy chronicle; info graphic reports, aimed at presenting facts in a synthetic and easily accessible way; and a large group of web resources that allow readers to broaden their sources of information about precise events.


If you come from out of Madrid and you wish to study a face to face program, you can find lodgings that meet your requirements: near the Campus, security, comfort, academic atmosphere, good service, modern furniture, etc. Thanks to the two student residences at the Universidad Europea, within the Campus, which can take in up to 550 people, all your necessities will be met and answered. Students and professors can find housing in them, contributing to scientific, artistic, and cultural exchange. People linked to the University can book a room here, too.

Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Mobility offers

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.

Study Plan

Discover our experiential learning method, where individual and collective work are necessary tools for successfully overcoming the real challenges posed to you every day. In addition, you will participate in the face-to-face programme (F2F). Taught by active professionals, this programme allows you to take a closer look at the world of International Relations. During the last year of your studies, you will complete a mandatory internship in public and private institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union, esglobal, Acción Contra el Hambre, the Helsinki Foundation and World Vision. During this internship, you will put into practice everything you have learned throughout your studies and strengthen skills such as teamwork, leadership and adaptability.

Study plan offered in the current course


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
History and Theory of International Relations6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Concepts of International Relations: Actors and Factors6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Communication in International Relations6OBLIGAORIAInglés (en)
Human, Economic, and Political Geography6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level I Spanish6BASICAEspañol (en)
Foreign Language Level I French6BASICAFrancés (fr)
Foreign Language Level I German6BASICAAlemán (de)
Documenting Sources6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Human Rights and Development Cooperation6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Sociological Research Techniques6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Current-Day Observations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Theory of State and Comparative Political Systems6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Comparative Legal Systems6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Global Economy and Foreign Trade6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Cultural Differences and Interculturality6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
English6BÁSICAInglés (en)
Spain’s Foreign Policy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Public International Law6BÁSICAInglés (en)
The United Nations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Management of Multinational Companies6BÁSICAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Defense and Security Alliances6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Economic and Financial Organisations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Public Opinion6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Image Abroad and Public Diplomacy6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Foreign Language Level II Spanish6BÁSICAEspañol (en)
Foreign Language Level II French6BASICAFrancés (fr)
Foreign Language Level II German6BASICAAlemán (de)
Diplomatic and Consular Law6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Pressure Groups6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Conflicts of Laws6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Optatives (select two)12OPTATIVAInglés (en)


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Internship6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
International Terrorism and Organised Crime6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Professional Ethics in International Relations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Seminar of International Negotiations6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Environmental Hazards and Climate Change6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Graduation Project6OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Design and Management of International Projects3OBLIGATORIAInglés (en)
Optatives (select three)18OPTATIVAInglés (en)

Optatives 3º and 4º

MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
The European Union in the World6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Foreign Policy of the United States of America6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Emerging Powers & Markets6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Middle East & Maghreb6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
Global Geopolitics6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
European Union Law6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
University Activities6OPTATIVAInglés (en)
The Individual and Leadership6OPTATIVAInglés (en)



Internships are a key component of your training. Acquiring experience after what you have learnt in your degree is the best way to enter the employment market. There are two types of internships: curricular—which are included in your study plan—and extracurricular—which you can do on a voluntary basis.

In order to complete curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and to register the subject before starting your internship. These internships are monitored by the company and the internship coordinator, and they are evaluated by midterm and final reports.

If you want to take your work experience to the next level before finishing your university education, you can pursue an extracurricular internship. You can do them in any academic year, but keep in mind that internships are a formative complement to your studies; therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies, the more you will benefit from the internship experience.

Check the list of companies

Key competencies on this programme

Basic competencies
  • CB1. That students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in an area of ​​study that is based on general secondary education, and it is usually found at a level that, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the vanguard of their field of study.
  • CB2. That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through preparation and defense of arguments and resolution of problems within their area of ​​study.
  • CB3. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of social, scientific or ethical nature.
  • CB4. To allow students to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions both to a specialized and non-specialized audience
  • CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
Cross-curricular competencies
  • CT1: Self-learning skills: ability to choose the strategies, tools and moments we consider most effective for learning and putting into practice independently what we have learned.
  • CT2: Self-confidence: ability to assess our own results, performance and capabilities with the inner conviction that we are capable of performing the tasks and meeting the challenges we are faced with.
  • CT3: Capacity to adapt to new situations: being able to assess and understand different positions, adapting one's approach as the situation requires.
  • CT4: Analysis and synthesis skills: being able to break down complex situations into their constituent parts, and to evaluate other alternatives and perspectives to find optimal solutions. Synthesis seeks to reduce complexity in order to better understand it and/or solve problems.
  • CT5: Capacity to apply knowledge: ability to use the knowledge acquired in the academic environment in situations as similar as possible to the reality of the profession we are preparing for.
  • CT6: Oral and written communication skills: ability to transmit and receive data, ideas, opinions and attitudes in order to gain understanding and act, oral communication being based on words and gestures, and written communication on text and/or graphic aids.
  • CT7: Ethical values: ability to think and act according to universal principles based on the value of the individual that seek full personal development and which entail a commitment to certain social values.
  • CT8: Information management: ability to find, select, analyze and integrate information from different sources.
  • CT9: Interpersonal skills: ability to engage positively with other people by verbal and non-verbal means, through assertive communication, meaning the ability to express or convey what we want, what we think or what we feel without upsetting, attacking or hurting the feelings of the other person.
  • CT10: Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: ability to undertake difficult or hazardous actions with resolve. Ability to anticipate problems, suggest improvements and persevere in carrying them out. Preference for undertaking activities and seeing them through.
  • CT11: Planning and time management: ability to set goals and choose the means to achieve them, using time and resources effectively.
  • CT12: Critical reasoning: ability to analyze an idea, phenomenon or situation from different perspectives and take a personal approach to it, based on rigor and reasoned objectivity, and not on intuition.
  • CT13: Problem solving: ability to find a solution to a confusing issue or a complicated situation without a predefined solution, which makes it difficult to achieve a goal.
  • CT14: Innovation and creativity: ability to propose and develop new and original value-added solutions to problems, including from areas other than the one in which the problems usually arise.
  • CT15: Responsibility: ability to fulfill the commitments we make to ourselves and to others when performing a task and trying to achieve a set of goals within the learning process. Any individual’s ability to acknowledge and accept the consequences of a freely performed action.
  • CT16: Decision-making skills: ability to choose between existing alternatives or ways to effectively resolve different situations or problems.
  • CT17: Teamwork: ability to integrate and collaborate actively with other people, areas and/or organizations to achieve common goals.
  • CT18: Use of information and communication technologies (ICT): Ability to effectively use information and communication technologies as a tool for finding, processing and storing information, as well as for developing communication skills
Specific competencies
  • CE1: Ability to know and understand the historical evolution of international society.
  • CE2: Ability to know the international legal framework, and its regulation through treaties, agreements, covenants, and resolutions.
  • CE3: Knowledge to use research techniques to identify different problems.
  • CE4: Ability to know and understand the role of international organisations in current society: their mission, goals, and internal structure.
  • CE5: Ability to know and understand the economic repercussions of globalisation, linked to the internationalisation of companies, foreign trade, and global economy.
  • CE6: Ability to communicate proficiently in two languages, when it comes to general aspects, and to specific concepts in the professional scenario of International Relations.
  • CE7: Knowledge to report and discuss about issues that cause international instability, such as conflicts, inequalities, exclusion, environment, pressure groups, and public opinion, among others.
  • CE8: Ability to identify and explain general theories in International Relations.
  • CE9: Ability to identify global, universal, and cosmopolitan perspectives in the study of actors, institutions, structures, and transactions that constitute International Relations.
  • CE10: Knowledge to understand the basic concepts in International Law.
  • CE11: Knowledge to understand how international legal institutions work.
  • CE12: Ability to understand the dimension of Human Rights as inspiring values for international society, and for the legal framework on which it is built.
  • CE13: Ability to define and implement development goals in agencies and organisations that promote international cooperation.
  • CE14: Ability to carry out research and studies about international affairs and the main areas related to them: economics, society, politics, and culture.
  • CE15: Ability to use different information sources and channels.
  • CE16: Ability to identify and analyse the different geopolitical, geo-economic, and sociocultural areas, as well as their peculiar features.
  • CE17: Knowledge to identify similarities and differences between different actors in international relations.
  • CE18: Ability to generate, to develop, and to consolidate projects at basic level.
  • CE19: Ability to make interpretations and analysis of legal texts.
  • CE20: Knowledge to analyse, to understand, and to develop programs and projects oriented towards the improvement of aspects related to international security.
  • CE21: Ability to design politics for sustainable development that favour equality, reduce poverty, foster citizen participation, and encourage democratisation processes.
  • CE22: Ability to participate in the finding out of solutions about specific problems and conflicts, regardless of the geopolitical area where they occur.
  • CE23: Ability to participate in the promotion of peace and peaceful solutions to conflicts.
  • CE24: Ability to develop a critical attitude for analysing the past and the present.
  • CE25: Ability to make predictions about the evolution of current international affairs.
  • CE26: Ability to mediate in the resolution of conflicts in hostile environments.
  • CE27: Ability to identify and to interact with different international actors.
  • CE28: Knowledge to report, to assess, and to evaluate facts and situations in current international affairs.


Career oportunities

Being an international relations expert helps you develop sought-after skills that can be applied to any field, from research and administration to critical analysis, scientific method and intercultural awareness.

  • International organisations
  • Public and private companies


  • International consulting and advice
  • Diplomatic corps
  • International organisations
  • Supranational organisations
  • Defence
  • Intelligence services
  • Diplomatic missions, consulates or customs agencies
  • Diplomatic corps public exam for civil service in Spain
  • International cooperation programmes
  • Global organisations like the UN, regional organisations like the EU, or sectoral like NATO
  • Expert in international trade
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGO), in cultural, educational or humanitarian cooperation programs; political, economic, tourism or environmental consultancies
  • Chambers of commerce
  • International business
  • International consultancy analyst
  • Media: advice on cultural, political, historical, ethical and economic matters
  • Research institutes
  • Lobbies
  • Think tanks
  • Public sector
  • Private sector


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

This program is taught entirely in English by an international faculty. Almost half of the students who take this course are from outside Spain. If you decide to, you can study a second language during the degree. You can study abroad in the third or fourth year of your studies and, in the fourth year, you will take part in an obligatory exchange at a top international university including: London School of Economics, Pace University in New York or McGill University (Canada).

Students enrolling the Global Bachelor in English should acreditate a level B1 of language in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the European Higher Education Area.

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HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid

Open days

Join us at one of our Open Days and see for yourself how our advanced educational methodology works, meet the faculty members who are already thinking of your future, get more information on the programs we offer, and find out how to begin your studies with us in the next academic year.

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23 January

Open Day | Universidad Europea
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63% of our professors are doctors of great prestige in the educational field.

  • Marta Abanades Sánchez
  • José Carlos Aránguez Aránguez
    PhD in Contemporary History from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Since September 2022 he is the Coordinator of the Degree in International Relations (UEM). He is the author of book chapters and articles on the history of international relations in the field of (post)colonial studies. He is a member of the Research Group on the History of International Relations (GHistRI) and in 2017 he completed a research stay at L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.
    He is a TFG tutor and teaches the subjects: Concept of International Relations: actors and factors; Foreign Policy of the United States of America; Foreign Policy of Spain; International Public Opinion.
  • Ayat Bakri
    Analysis Of Financial Operations, Microeconomics I, Microeconomics II, Global Economy and Foreign Trade, and Economic Environment. Master’s in finance.
  • Isa Bimi
    Public International Law, European Union Law, International Organizations.
  • Gabriela Brochner
  • Gloria Canales
    Master in Economics from Florida International University, Miami, USA; PhD studies in Economics at Florida International University, Miami, USA. Master's Degree in Public Sector Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Extensive teaching experience in Economics and Business courses at universities in Peru, Brazil, USA, United Kingdom and Spain. Areas of specialization: International Trade, Global Economy and Environmental Economics. In the professional field: consultancies to the private sector in market research. Senior Consultant at the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru in the Investment sector.
  • Víctor de Gregorio Alcaide
  • Luis Alfonso Escolano Giménez
    History and Theory of International Relations, The Individual and Leadership, Professional Ethics and Effectiveness, as well as Global Geopolitics, International Economic and Financial Organizations, and the United Nations Organization. Author of numerous articles, chapters in collective works and books, mainly in the field of 19th-20th centuries international relations and history of Latin America, the Caribbean and particularly the Dominican Republic.
  • Lorena Esmorís Galán
  • Julieta Espín Ocampo
    Courses: Geografía Humana, Económica y Política; Imagen Exterior y Diplomacia Pública, Current Affairs Observatory, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, Coordinadora de Trabajo de Fin de Grado.
    A in International Relations (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, 1998) and Ph.D in Mediterranean International Studies (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2004). PhD. Espín is certified by the Spanish Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad Acreditación (ANECA), and granted as National Researcher Level 1 by the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (Mexico). She is specialist in Middle East affairs and she has been lecturer at UNAM and Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) universities in México. She has worked as Academic Coordinator and International Coordination at UE (2012-2017) and currently she is an International Relations and International Business professor at the School of Social Science and Communications.
  • Laura Ferre Sanjuan
    History and Theory of International Relations; Human, Economic and Political Geography; Cultural Differences and Interculturality. PhD candidate in Human Rights, Democracy and International Justice, Master in Geopolitics and Strategic Studies and Master in Diplomacy and International Relations. Specialist in technological governance, she has worked in public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations in China, Belgium, Spain, Cyprus and the United States.
  • Laura Gauthier Blasi
    CI language – French. PhD in francophone literature from the University of Alcalá. Author of several impact articles on contemporary Haitian literature and researcher in the modern manuscripts research group at ITEM-ENS-CNRS (Paris-France). Researcher in the research group "New Technologies and Didactics applied to Language Teaching" at the European University of Madrid.
  • Sara Grandío Tierno
  • Zaki Habib Gómez
    History and Theory of International Relations; European Union in the World. PhD candidate in Political Science of Administration and International Relations at the Complutense University of Madrid. Author of articles and monographs in the fields of political geography and human rights.
  • Hutan Hejazi
    Rice University, PhD in cultural anthropology (2011). His research focuses on Islam in Europe and the Middle East. He is interested in hermeneutics and rhetoric in religious and political movements, conversion, millennialism, economic anthropology, ethics as self-formation, theory in the social sciences and social theory.
  • Ivan Hilliard
    Senior Lecturer in Business Organization at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, lecturing in the International Business and International relations degrees, and is an accredited professor by the Quality, Accreditation and Prospective Agency of the Universities of Madrid.
    He completed his PhD in 2015, his thesis dealing with measurement systems for sustainable business practices. He has also supervised multiple graduate, post-graduate and doctoral thesis and his principal areas of research include corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, education and tourism.
    As well as published articles in Journal Citation Report and Scopus indexed Journal and several book chapters, he is also the author of the book Coherency Management which focuses on the need for a holistic approach to CSR.
    He has participated in several European research projects in the field of tourism, and is the founder and CEO of the food and catering company Gourmad Food 2020 SL.
  • Concepción Jara Maroto
    English and Spanish teacher in the EU of Madrid from 2007 to the present
    Online, face-to-face and hybrid courses
    CLIL experience
    Official examiner levels A1/A2, B1/B2, C1/C2
    Preparation of students for university access (UE)
    Creation of EU/FUNDEBE International Cooperation projects (2018/20)
    International experience public schools Montgomery County Public Schools (FLES program)
  • Elena Pérez Lagüela
    PhD in Economics and teaches at the European University of Madrid. Her area of specialisation is Development Economics. Elena has been a visiting researcher at SOAS, University of London (2019).
    Elena currently teaches the subjects of Emerging Powers and Markets (12 ECTS), Global Economy and Foreign Trade (6 ECTS), Human, Economic and Political Geography (6 ECTS) and Concept of International Relations: Actors and Factors (6 ECTS) in the Simple and Global Degrees in International Relations at Universidad Europea and in the Double Degrees in Law and International Relations and International Business and International Relations. She also teaches the course on Africa and the Middle East (3 ECTS) in the Master's Degree in International Trade and Economic Relations at the aforementioned University.
  • Ignacio Gastón Perotti Pinciroli
    Professor of Public International Law, Human Rights, Diplomatic and Consular Law, United Nations, Foreign Policy and International Humanitarian Law at Universidad Europea de Madrid. PhD Candidate in Law, Government and Public Policy at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Master in Global Governance and Human Rights and Master in Legal Research (UAM). J.D. in Law and Master in Criminal Law, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina). Visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg (Germany). Former Court Clerk on Crimes Against Humanity, Federal Criminal Tribunal of Mendoza (Argentina).
  • Yolanda Powley Díaz
    English. BA (Hons) Degree in Business Administration and Management, ICADE, majored in Marketing. Postgraduate training in Design, University of the Arts London. Certified as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. Worked in Marketing and Design departments of different companies. Training and teaching experience in digital environments. Private university teacher, both online and face-to-face, since 2017.
  • Guillermo Miguel Rocafort Pérez
  • Ruth Carmen Rodríguez García
  • Juan Pablo Serra
  • David Temprano de Miguel
  • Almudena Vázquez Solana
    CI and CII Languages (German) and Spanish for specific purposes Author of book chapters and presentations at various conferences. Sworn translator for German.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal quality assurance system (IQAS)
Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee

  • Vice-Rector of the Bachelor's Degree
  • Degree Programme Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Professors (Graduation Project Coordinator and Internship Coordinator)
  • Quality Manager (Quality Management Department)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Academic Director
  • Learning Assessment Officer

Main degree results

  • Satisfaction of graduates with the degree program: 4.0

Frequently Asked Questions

A career in international relations is varied, exciting, and constantly changing. With a Degree in International Relations, such as the one on offer at Universidad Europea you can work in various sectors on the global stage.

International relations could be for you if you:

  • Have a desire to change the world in some way
  • Enjoy networking and building connections with people from other countries and cultures
  • Value diversity
  • Want to have a career in politics, NGOs or global businesses.
  • Enjoy data and statistics
  • Have good interpersonal and communication skills

A degree in international relations will open doors to numerous career opportunities. Graduates of our programme have enjoyed roles across the world in a variety of sectors. Some examples are:

  • Management roles in public or private organisations
  • Diplomatic corps
  • Intelligence services
  • International consultancy
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Expert in international trade
  • Research and teaching

Studying international relations will ensure you develop key skills such as leadership, teamwork, management – all of which are in demand and can be used in whatever sector you go into after graduation.

Should you choose to study international relations at Universidad Europea, you’ll will be exposed to a truly global experience – with opportunities for international exchanges in the USA, Europe and Asia. In addition, as we place huge importance on experiential learning, you’ll be working on real case studies from day one, as well as carrying out internship periods.

You’ll learn from the very best in the field too – our faculty is made up of leading international relations experts from around the world, all willing to share their experiences and knowledge to ensure you succeed in solving the different global challenges we face today and tomorrow.

The study plan on the Degree in International Relations at Universidad Europea is designed to develop a broad set of skills and knowledge so that you can choose whatever career you wish to go into after graduation.

Some of the subjects you will study include:

  • Concepts of International Relations: Actors and Factors
  • Human, Economic, and Political Geography
  • Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
  • Theory of State and Comparative Political Systems
  • Global Economy and Foreign Trade
  • Theory and Analysis of International Conflicts
  • International Economic and Financial Organisations